In the next five years, smart city broadband access to households will exceed 100 megabits

China Smart City Network 本站 2016-06-22 253

The dividends of reform will make the city more stretch, make the traffic more smooth, and make the city run safer, and all of this will be achieved by 2020 through a series of major infrastructure implementation。Yesterday, the standing Committee of the Municipal Government reviewed and approved the "Major infrastructure Development Plan for the 13th Five-Year Plan Period of Beijing", and the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission interpreted the "Plan".。

       Transit city

       Let people travel comfortably

       Road traffic congestion seriously affects the efficiency of urban operation and is a typical manifestation of "urban disease"。In the next five years, Beijing will strive to ease urban traffic congestion and make travel more comfortable。

       What should a comfortable city look like?

       The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission described such a picture - rail transit is like a spider web, above-ground and underground public transport to achieve three-dimensional seamless connection, short distance travel, walking and riding streets have become more comfortable, traffic jams have been effectively alleviated。

       This means that within 5 years, the city will further encrypt the central City line network, promote the construction of Line 3, Line 12, and Central Business District Line, start the first phase of Line 17 and Line 19, and improve the backbone system of rail transit。The second phase of the Capital Airport Line, the south extension of the Changping Line, the north extension of the Fangshan Line, the fourth phase of Line 8 and the second phase of Line 7 are also on the agenda。

       On the ground, the continuous network of bus lanes will reach 1,000 kilometers, exceeding the total mileage of the city's rail transit network。At the same time, cycling and walking will become the main means of short-distance travel, and the mileage of the slow travel system within the fifth Ring road is equivalent to the round-trip distance from Beijing to Chengdu。

       "In the future, the city will increase the total mileage of urban rail transit operation to 900 kilometers, share the proportion of public transport travel volume of more than 55%, and reach 90% coverage of the 750-meter radius of the central city rail station.。”他说。

        Improving and connecting conditions is also one of the directions included in the planning。It is understood that the city will speed up the construction of Beiyuan North, Apple Orchard, Wangjing West, Olympic Sports South District and other comprehensive transportation hubs, Ma Guanying and other three-dimensional bus stations, to create a complete service function, convenient connection and transfer of traffic nodes, to promote the effective connection of ground and underground transportation lines and convenient transfer。

       The person in charge also said that the city will promote the realization rate of the central city trunk road planning to reach 70% through the construction of the "three and a half Ring road" trunk road system, and the main road network within the fourth ring road is basically completed。At the same time, the city will also promote regional transportation integration and achieve a breakthrough in regional transportation integration。

       A city is defined by water

       Cultivate green Beijing

       The mining intensity of Chaobai River and other water sources will be reduced, and the average annual groundwater mining scale will be capped...Nearly a quarter of the "Plan" is devoted to planning the future of Beijing's resources and environment, especially the protection and utilization of water resources。

       The relevant person in charge said that water is a basic strategic resource for urban development。Adhere to the "water to determine the city, water to determine the land, water to determine the people, water to determine the production", ensure the supply of water resources, and strive to achieve sustainable use of water resources。

       This includes the conservation and protection of water sources。It is understood that the city will speed up the construction of Fengtai, Daxing, Tongzhou and other water transmission branch projects, south to north water diversion water supply scope to suburban new cities to expand。The extraction intensity of water sources such as Chaobai River will be reduced, and the annual groundwater extraction scale will be controlled within 1.7 billion cubic meters。

       In this "plan", it is planned to promote the restoration of the ecological function of the Yongding River, so that it can reproduce the historical natural features of the river, and become a green ecological spindle through the main functional areas of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region。The water quality of the North Canal and the increase of the Chaobai River will bring these rivers, which once nourished millions of Beijingers, back to life。

       The relevant person in charge said that the city will implement the second three-year action plan for sewage treatment, focusing on the construction of sewage treatment facilities and pipe networks in the urban and rural areas and villages, increasing pollution control efforts, and speeding up the solution of the problem of rain and pollution confluence in the old city。Within 5 years, the city to achieve urban and rural sewage treatment rate of 95%, 99% of the central city sewage has been treated。

       Lifting load

       We will improve the functions of key areas

       The construction of the city's sub-center, the construction of multiple new cities, the Expo, the Winter Olympics...Beijing has a lot to do in these five years。The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission said that infrastructure has an important guiding role in the optimization of urban spatial layout。The city will also improve the carrying capacity of infrastructure in key areas such as the sub-center of the city, the new city and the host of the World Expo and the Winter Olympics, improve the system functions, and promote the orderly removal of non-capital functions。

        In the case of Beijing's urban subcenter, which is the most concerned by the public, the second phase of Line 7, the second phase of Batong Line, and suburban trains are all in the process of being promoted。

       In terms of roads, the second phase of the Guangqu Road project will be completed, Guanyintang Road will be promoted, Luyuan North Street will be upgraded and connected with Yaojiayuan Road, forming a multi-channel rapid transportation system with the central city, and so on。

       "We will build a high-density urban road network and a transit priority intra-city transport service system。"Said the official。

       In Yanqing, the Expo and the supporting facilities for the Winter Olympics will make the infrastructure construction of these areas completely new。The city plans to build Beijing-Zhang Railway Beijing section, Xingyan Expressway, Beijing-Xin Expressway (National Highway 110 phase II), Yanchong Expressway and Changchi Road and other backbone highways。The Yanqing reclaimed water Plant and the second phase of the surface water supply project in the Plain area were completed to improve the level of sewage treatment and the ability of water supply security in Yanqing。Water, electricity, gas, heat and other facilities will also provide security for events and exhibitions。

       Intelligent facility

       Urban development is more elaborate

       Perhaps what many people do not think is that improving the level of intelligence and refinement of the city should also be based on infrastructure。The relevant person in charge introduced that the city will fully complete the transformation and migration of optical fiber into the home, and the broadband network access capacity will exceed the goal of "100 trillion into the home and 1 trillion into the building"。

       With a solid foundation supporting "Internet Plus", Beijing will provide more intelligent interactive city services。The comprehensive urban service management database will integrate various existing platforms, and a smart terminal will be able to accommodate more services in the future。

       At the same time, the city will also build an underground comprehensive pipe corridor to solve the problem of "installing and locking" roads, and build a sponge city to allow the city to retain and use rainwater。

       The person in charge also said that in the next five years, the city will be "people-centered" as the starting point and goal of infrastructure development, so that the people's life is more convenient, more comfortable and better。