Efficient customized production Intelligent manufacturing to achieve manufacturing revolution

China industry News network 本站 2016-06-14 240

Manufacturing has never been so hot as it is today, and various countries have developed different industrial development strategies。China's Made in China 2025, Germany's industry 4.0, AMP2 in the United States.0, the strategies of India, Japan, South Korea and many other countries are presented。In fact, this all reflects a development trend in the global manufacturing industry and industry, that is, through continuous innovation, intelligent manufacturing。

Recently, the 2016 China Emerging Industry Collaborative Innovation Forum was held in Beijing, and the participants discussed and exchanged ideas on "collaborative innovation, promoting intelligent manufacturing"。

If the industrial age was about turning people into machines, the information age is about turning machines into people。In the past year, China's industry 4.0 is in full swing all over the place, we blindly go to buy robots, that the production line into automated mass production is industry 4.Zero, but that's not the case。工业4.0 is actually very simple, its core is to meet the needs of people。

Beijing Pegasus Travel promoter Guo Xin said that industry 4.0 products are products that can talk to people。The industrial products of the future are services that result from the similarities and differences in communication between C and C。With the progress of science and technology, production should be more and more humanized, and people's needs should be met through the improvement of productivity。Putting the value of people before the value of products, seeing people first, then seeing technology, then seeing products, this is industry 4.0 is the right path to take。

What is smart manufacturing?Participants believe that in fact, it is composed of intelligent machines and human experts, to achieve human-machine integration of the intelligent system to work together。Intelligent activities such as perception, analysis, reasoning, decision making, learning, etc. make all industry activities smarter。工业4.The essence of 0 is how efficient, through the digital way to fully meet the needs of the individual, which is the subject of modern industry。

Zhao Min, president of the Invention Methods Research Branch of the China Invention Association, said: "The machines in the future smart factory can sense human movements and consciousness。Today's machines can only cooperate with people, he can not perceive the presence of people。The machines of the future will be able to sense people, even sense people's thinking, and interact with people。”

He pointed out that as a smart factory, in the future, all intelligent products and intelligent equipment produced on the production line can also cooperate with each other and carry out customized production operations in the way of mixed line production。The product can also echo with the device, which thing to use on which device, and what kind of label should be affixed after production。All the elements of the workshop are talking to each other, they are echoing each other, so everything is customizable and completely personalized。On the same production line, each product can be produced by a different process。

To promote intelligent manufacturing as a main direction, enterprises should grasp the five basic characteristics of intelligent manufacturing, namely, state perception, real-time analysis, autonomous decision-making, accurate execution and learning and improvement。Combined with the characteristics of their own enterprises, from different starting points to steadily move towards intelligent manufacturing。

Zhao Min said that China's industrial level situation is more complex, the institute asked the German people to use the same standard to evaluate the enterprise, the average level of German industry is 3.0. Siemens is 3.5, and the best domestic enterprise Huawei is only 2.At the level of 7, many domestic enterprises have only 1.8、2.1, so take a different path from other countries。

Experts pointed out that no matter what product companies do, in order to change this situation, they must start from now on, and try to digitize everything that can be digitized from all aspects of the enterprise。That is, the digital devices produced by the third Industrial Revolution (such as computer cores such as chips) are embedded in the massive physical devices produced during the first and second industrial Revolution, so that these "dumb devices" can sense the external environment of the system and produce the input and output of digital information。Realize the digitalization of these equipment itself, the digitalization of research and development means, the digitalization of service maintenance, as well as the digitalization of enterprises, and the digitalization of supply chains。