China Mobile: The Internet of Things wireless network will be built next year, and 5G commercial use in 2020

China Smart City Network 本站 2016-06-01 257

 When you are driving on an unfamiliar road, the safety information you need for your driving location may be quietly uploaded to the cloud through the Internet of vehicles。

       When many people have little knowledge of the Internet of Things, this new thing has been comprehensively involved in our lives, from the Internet of cars to financial POS machines, and then to smart wearable devices。

       What is the Internet of Things?In ways that make our lives easier?What changes and surprises will the future bring to our lives?

       Recently, in the "Dialogue of new State-owned enterprises · Main force of scientific and technological innovation" series interview program participated by First Finance and Economics, Qiao Hui, deputy general manager of China Mobile Internet of Things Co., Ltd. talked about his views on the above topics。

       Develop rapidly

       The number of individual users of China Mobile has reached more than 800 million, making it the world's largest internet-connected enterprise。In the Internet of Things, China Mobile's layout is also relatively early in the world。In September 2012, China Mobile Internet of Things Co., Ltd. was established in Chongqing。

       The Internet of Things is a new thing, and the concept has only been put forward globally in recent years。Some people say that the Internet of Things is the Internet, some people say that the Internet of Things does not need a network, and some people say that the Internet of Things is a sensor network。

       Qiao Hui explained that the English language of the Internet of things is Internet of things, meaning the Internet of things, and we often say that the Internet, the communication network is closely intertwined, is an extension of the Internet。

        "The Internet has gone through several stages in its history," he said。From the initial concentration of information to the later stage of Facebook, it is an interaction of information between people。The Internet of Things brings together the information of things through sensors and intelligent hardware to produce more value and better serve human beings。In this sense, the Internet of Things is an extension of the Internet。In fact, the concept itself is also interleaved, and its main data is also transmitted through Intel。”

       Although the concept of the Internet of Things is new, the connection of things has been interspersed into our lives。

       Qiao Hui, for example, said that in terms of living, we already have some intelligent monitoring and intelligent access control。In terms of the line, for example, the car gradually began to network, on the one hand, to monitor the location information of the car, on the other hand, the car Intranet is also installed in the car。The car Intranet provides in-car entertainment, browsing information, navigation and positioning through WIFI and 4G signals provided by the car。

       He introduced that as of now, the mobile group has 8.There are 300 million individual customers and public customers, and the number of Internet of Things customers is also quite a few。By the end of this year, the Internet of Things should have more than 100 million customers, basically accounting for 1/8 of China Mobile's service objects。

      China Mobile is also the first operator in the world to build a dedicated core network to serve things and the Internet of Things。 Qiao Hui said: "The number of customers we serve through the private network has exceeded 24 million。Of those 24 million iot connections, about a third are connected to the car。In addition, there are about 1/5 financial POS machines. In the consumption places, many POS machines are embedded with mobile SIM cards. Through wireless means, data can be obtained after swiping the card, and data can be exchanged with the bank's cloud service side。”

       He added: "One in 10 is smart wearable devices。For example, sports bracelets, children's watches for children, and smart devices to monitor the living status and environment of the elderly。”

       The number of customers of the iot private network services of China Mobile Internet of Things Co., Ltd. is increasing。This day last year, it was only 20, 30, 000 users a day, but now it's 70, 80, 000。The total number of customers is expected to exceed 40 to 50 million by the end of this year。

       Huge market space

       The connection of the Internet of Things and the connection of humans, many characteristics are not the same。The environment in which people live is basically a living environment of minus 20 degrees to 30 or 40 degrees, but for the environment of the connection of things, the complexity is far beyond the environment in which people live。

       It may be in harsh environments, may be on bumpy roads, may also be in high temperature, high pressure, high oil, high humidity scenes, so for the service of things, the required technical difficulty is higher。

       Qiao Hui, for example, said that if we want the car to have the characteristics of the Internet of vehicles, to be able to monitor it, and to enjoy Internet of Things services in the car, it is necessary to add connections in the car。However, if it is connected through a traditional SIM card, there will be vibration, and it will rust over time。Therefore, whether the final SIM card Settings or module Settings are used, the requirements are higher than those used by people。

       He also takes mobile phones as an example, mobile phones are used by people, and if there is a problem, it may be solved by restarting。However, the connection of things, such as the monitoring of water, electricity and gas meters, on the one hand, I hope that it has an automatic start function, and on the other hand, I hope that its fault tolerance rate is much stronger than that of mobile phones。

       However, the key factor holding back the development of iot is not the technology, but the cost of iot terminals。Whether it is the cost of chips, modules, or the final smart hardware, it is relatively high。

       In addition, the Internet of Things consumes a lot of power, because the network itself is to provide services for people, and its signal is updated frequently。

       Qiao Hui, for example, if the water and electricity meter is used, it can be submitted once a month, but the 2G module and signal implementation update, which requires power consumption。

        However, both domestically and globally, the Internet of Things has gradually entered a period of rapid development。Like the high-speed rail operation, it started to start, speed up, and the overall market size is growing。In 2020, the market value of the entire Internet of Things should be close to $1 trillion in the world, and the market space is very large。

       China Mobile is planning a 5G network。Some 5G test networks will be done in 2017, and commercial 5G networks will be carried out in 2020。In the process, China Mobile will have some wireless networks to serve the Internet of Things。

       Qiao Hui said: "Commercial refers to the business network serving the Internet of things, is a low-power, wide-coverage wireless network, also known as narrowband Internet of Things, mainly to solve a large number of Internet of Things connections.。”

       Qiao Hui said that it is expected that the wireless network of China Mobile Internet of Things will be completed by the beginning of next year。It brings low cost and low power consumption on the end side of the network, and the coverage of customers is nearly a hundred times higher。This will be a revolutionary boost to the development of the entire Internet of Things industry。