"Isoftstone Power" enables smart cities to attach the wings of big data

China Smart City Network 本站 2016-04-19 240

2016年两会上李克强总理指出,China needs to advance the new type of urbanization,Build a harmonious and livable city,Improve urban governance capacity,We will intensify efforts to prevent and treat urban diseases,We will continuously improve the quality of the urban environment, the quality of life of residents and the competitiveness of the city,To build harmonious, livable, vibrant and distinctive cities。目前,中国内地已有超过500个城市进行智慧城市试点,计划投资金额超过万亿元,智慧城市的建设正以雷霆之势迅速席卷全国;

      As a leader in the construction of China's smart city and Industrial Internet (Internet +) and a leading innovative technology service provider, Isoftstone has always taken "smart city industry first" as its strategic concept。In the process of smart city construction, as the basis of city operation and management, big data information collection, value acquisition, and smart storage have been the concern of city managers。In the era of big data has become a new industrial energy, how the government and enterprises use urban big data to open up the upper, middle and downstream industrial chains of urban management and construction, break the information islands of various departments of the city, and integrate the advantageous resources of various cities is an important direction for the construction and operation of China's smart cities。

日前,At the Cloud China 2016 conference, directed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,Yang Xuqing, vice president of Isoftstone Power Information Technology (Group) Co., Ltd. talked about,In the use of big data to create smart cities,Its core value is to solve cumbersome office processes,Provide a better experience for urban public services。Through the establishment of big data industrial park, big data trading center and other institutions,The collection, utilization, mining, storage and application of data can be connected into a perfect integration,To create a big data closed-loop industrial chain,Form a new type of industrial service with big data as the core,And realize the use of big data for urban construction reasonable planning,Drive the value of data in areas such as policy evaluation, urban development forecasting, and user accurate positioning。It can be said that the management of the closed-loop production chain through big data will greatly promote the rapid development of smart cities。
For example, after the national policy of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" was put forward, innovative enterprises mushroomed。However, due to the lack of support and service of market data, many start-ups fall into operational difficulties such as non-circulation of information, shortage of talents, and financing difficulties。In response to the national entrepreneurship and innovation policy,Solve the business management problems of entrepreneurs,Isoftstone has launched products and industry solutions such as Leyespace, cloud service platform for small and medium-sized enterprises, and big data platform,Through the high-quality sharing of data resources, fast transmission, information interoperability,To help them manage the enterprise efficiently and with high quality,Realize the incubation of emerging industries。

With the rapid development of smart city construction, Isoftstone closely follows national policies and guidelines, and continues to pay attention to national strategies such as "mass innovation and entrepreneurship", "new urbanization", and "big data strategy"。Through the establishment of a scientific urban planning system based on data, the use of big data to accurately grasp the status quo of urban development, planning and construction of smart cities suitable for the level of regional economic development and people's living conditions, will become the upper choice of smart city construction across the region。