Leveraging Big Data to build a "Cloud Service Government"

China Smart City Network 本站 2016-04-06 238

 The significant impact of big data in the commercial market, public security, public management and many other fields has been recognized by all, and has been regarded as a basic strategic resource, and the role of governing by numbers in improving the government's management capacity and improving the quality of public services has also been widely recognized。However, in practice, there are still bizarre phenomena such as "proving that 'my mother' is' my mother '", and people often break their legs and hearts for a piece of paper, which has led to many complaints about government management。To promote the modernization of national governance capacity, the big data system is an important infrastructure, and the government should focus on solving problems in the top-level design of the big data system, connectivity, open sharing and cooperation mechanism construction。

We will accelerate supply-side reform of government services。The big data system based on the needs of service objects can not only provide accurate basis for government administration, but also provide complete and accurate data information services for government service objects。The government should speed up the structural adjustment and mechanism building of government functions,The core of governance will be shifted to provide more efficient and convenient quality public services for the counterpart,"Leave what shouldn't be left alone,Do not set the card formalities,Unreasonable processes should be adjusted.",Thoroughly simplify the procedures and procedures of government affairs,And implement the process design into the online system,Establish standard procedures that are open and transparent。In terms of responsibility setting, the information data verification work that should be undertaken by the government should not be transferred to the service objects, and should be transferred within the government functional departments。In terms of mechanism construction, the government should integrate and improve the relevant data of functional departments to form a relatively complete basic data information system and provide possibilities for circulation。Process construction,The government should carefully sum up the experience gained in traditional administration,Analyze existing problems and propose solutions,On the basis of the already implemented internal management informatization, e-government and other reforms,Reconstruct government relations, government standards and government processes according to the "Internet +" model of object-oriented 7×24 hours online management;Speed up the output of "full life cycle" big data government products,Shape the concept of "cloud service"。

We will improve the top-level design of government big data systems。To implement the national big data strategy proposed in the 13th Five-Year Plan, information infrastructure should cover from the central to the local level;From the central ministries to the grass-roots frontline service departments should be fully provided with data information。The top-level design must first carry out a reasonable division of labor, clarify the central and local responsibilities, clarify the "block" relationship, and strive to solve the management block caused by the fragmentation of functions。The central and provincial levels should assume the main design responsibilities, restructure the internal government flow mechanism according to the needs of government projects and processes, unify the basic technical standards of data systems, standardize data collection, solve the problem of cross-departmental and cross-regional connectivity, and build a national data network that can be interconnected and shared。Classification propulsion aspect,The central government should focus on designing basic data systems for population, legal persons, and resources that can meet cross-domain applications nationwide,Localities should be based on local needs and realities,Based on the basic data system,Constantly expand and improve the application data system to meet the service object,Thus forming a relatively complete cloud government big data system。At the same time, central and local governments should work together to explore and improve big data security standards and regulatory measures in practice, standardize the acquisition and application of public data, and formulate basic rules for big data operation。In terms of resource support and system guarantee,A leading and coordinating mechanism for data system construction should be formed,Allocate relevant staff, funds and other resources,Break the barriers of departmental interests,Thoroughly solve the problem of missing data system and isolated data information,Enhance the dynamic and real-time data supply,Improve the comprehensiveness of data systems,Laying the foundation for "cloud services.。

System to ensure the interconnection of data systems。A large amount of data is deposited in the process of management at all levels and departments. The main problems are data fragmentation and lack of unity and connectivity caused by division of departmental functions, vested interests or lazy government。The rapid development of society and strong mobility of personnel, but the cross-regional data flow that should match it has lagged for a long time, which is also the main reason for many strange proofs。An important representation of the modernization of governance capacity is "let the data run more, let the masses run less errands", "Internet + government services" can not be just a slogan, should be implemented across regional, cross-departmental networking。Promote data connectivity through institutions,Governments at all levels should break down existing barriers of responsibility and departmental interests,The collection, operation and utilization of data are unified to the standards planned by the top-level design,Establish a performance appraisal system,Promote the interconnection of fragmented departmental data in a way of backward responsibility,Form a unified and standardized data network and data platform,Provide standardized data services through government centers or public service centers。Regulation of data connectivity,Establish a rigid data sharing system,Strengthen the application of "first inquiry responsibility system" in the field of data utilization;Transfer the responsibility of information verification, which originally required the management object to provide relevant proof, to the business receiving department,Back to intra-government transfers,Thus forcing the use of data systems,To form a "cloud services" channel。

Build an open and shared government cloud data system。With the improvement of network infrastructure and the progress of Internet transmission technology, massive data with huge resource value will be generated。The government should fully obtain these data from a strategic point of view to form a system, make great efforts to change the form of single center field management, take service-oriented opening as the basic rule of data system construction and operation, establish technical standards for data interaction as soon as possible, and realize the continuous extension of data system。First of all, promote shared utilization, that is, we should strengthen the absorption of external data, open and improve the government's existing data system, so that the big data system can be parallel analysis and fusion utilization, and form a government big data system cloud。Second, accelerate data interaction, that is, promote the open data interface, not only so that data can flow across government departments, but also so that data stakeholders have access to relevant resources。At the same time, strengthen the construction of data adoption channels, open data collection ports, absorb reliable data from other organizations and individuals through verification and screening, improve the accuracy and effectiveness of data collection, and form a relatively complete data and information interaction network。再次,Lower the threshold for data utilization,That is to establish the government data inquiry and write audit mechanism,Take advantage of information technology,Promote the safe opening and sharing of data,Extend the data query utilization and business handling interface to government websites, integrated self-service terminals, mobile apps and other media user terminals,Improve the ease of data interaction,Realize sharing and interworking at all levels of "cloud, network and terminal",Form a "cloud service" system。

Strengthen cooperation with other entities to improve efficiency。The government should take the initiative to establish a more perfect cooperation mechanism, make use of the comparative advantages presented by different subjects, jointly reduce the transaction cost of social operation, and improve the efficiency and quality of government affairs output。Professional institutions and commercial companies have gained rich experience in the collection, analysis and application of big data, and the government should strengthen cooperation with these organizations through procurement, commissioning or cooperative development, so as to improve the effectiveness of big data system construction and operation。Relevant government departments have tried in some areas, and achieved good social effects, such as the Ministry of Public Security traffic management Bureau and commercial map companies to launch real-time traffic data query services, to provide great convenience for traffic participants。The large amount of public data owned by the government should be transformed into high-quality public goods through the mature data mining technology and design and marketing capabilities of these institutions, so that more adequate information flow can help society reduce development costs and improve the quality of life。In terms of path selection, the government can promote the continuous improvement of the public service system in multiple fields and multiple dimensions through cooperation platforms such as special tasks or smart cities。At the same time, it can also continuously absorb the relevant resources and successful experience of these institutions to make up for the shortcomings of the government, constantly improve the effect of government output, and improve "cloud service" products。

China's economic and social development has entered a critical period, and the diversified and complex environment is always testing the government's ability to manage and provide services。Traditional experience management should be transformed into more accurate big data governance, whether it is the "seamless government" advocated by the pioneer countries, or the "numerical management" advocated by Mr. Huang Renyu, which is more far-reaching in the current situation。The government should speed up the construction of a more complete and interconnected open and shared big data system, build a "cloud service government", and provide more open and transparent, efficient and convenient, fair and accessible public management and services for economic and social development。